Facility & Services
Horticulture Nursery

Considering the increasing demand of fruit grafts from the farmers of district, it was decided to establish a horticultural fruit plants nursery in the year 1997-98. Production capacity of unit is 75000 grafts per years. The grafts, seedlings of improved varieties of Mango, Pomegranate, Guava, Sapota and Drumstick are produced in the nursery. Hot humid climate is necessary for the hardening of newly grafted plants hence, polyhouse and shade houses are erected and equipped with misters and fogging system creating microclimate. These systems increase the success rate and up to 70% of grafts. This nursery is popular for reliable source for planting material in the district and in the state.
Soil water Testing Lab

Production and productivity is closely associated with the fertilizer use and available plant nutrients in the soil. Indiscriminate and non judicious use of fertilizers is led to degradation of soils and reduction in production of crops. To minimize this problem soil and water testing is practiced and according to recommended dose of fertilizer is given to maintain the production and productivity. All FLD are being supported with the soil test based fertilizer management and soil health cards are being given to all the farmers. This facility is being used for the farmers and other Government and non-government organizations.
Post Harvest Processing Laboratory

Nashik district is known for its good quality Grapes, Pomegranate, Onion and variety of vegetable crops, which are playing important role in domestic market and export which helps to strengthen the economy. It was also observed that the post handling losses are major constraints in fruits, vegetable and flowers. In order to minimize the losses training programs on PHT are planned and conducted. Similarly small-scale Post Harvest Processing project is being demonstrated. Medium duration training programs for the rural youths are being conducted during 2002-07.
Bio-control Lab

One of the important sources for the pest management in the integrated farming system is use of various bio-control agents for the insect and disease management. The KVK also established the bio-control agent’s production unit and producing more than 500 Kg of various bioagents annually like Verticillium, Trichoderma, Pacilomyces, Baveria, Namoria. Which are being used to manage the various pests in KVK leads to save more than Rs. 50000/- annually. Similarly the product in sold to the farmers.
Vermiculture Biotechnology

A unique feature to recycle the agro waste is being demonstrated through the Vermicompost Production technology. More than 60 culture production units are being established at various places in the district.
Similarly KVK is having commercial Vermicompost unit on 3000 sq feet area with annual production capacity of 80 tons, which led to saving of 800 tons of Vermicompost costing of Rs. 32.00 lakh in last 10 years. Similarly the units established in the district are producing about 400 tons Vermicompost every year costing Rs. 16.00 lakh on farmers field.
Farm Mechanization

Considering importance of farm machinery in small and marginal land holders a scheme on farm Implementation is given by the ICAR unit from Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering (CIAE) Bhopal. Following instruments are being demonstrated on farmer’s field and proven very popular in respect of time saving and labour saving.
- The goal of the university is to become a ‘Mass varsity’.
- Tractor drawn ferti-seed-drill
- Cleaner cum grader
- Groundnut stripper
- Groundnut decorticator
- Hand hoe
- Multi crop planter
Out of these cleaner cum grader, Groundnut stripper and decorticator are very useful in drudgery reduction and popular in women.
Auto Weather Station
Agriculture production in India is highly dependent on the natural rainfall. Pest and diseases occurrence due to the various climatic changes is a serious problem in fruits and vegetables. To minimize and to predict the rainfall and associated factors to protect the crop, a forecasting is essential. For this the automatic weather recoding station is being established by the govt. of India, which will help to give medium to short term weather forecasting in near future. Similarly a disease forecasting unit useful for grapes will be established in June 2009.
Agriculture Informatics and Farmer Advisory Services
One of the important aspects of the success of various activities is providing proper and quality services to the farmers. Farmers from the district and adjoining area are regularly visit to avail the information regarding agriculture, Horticulture, Dairy, Poultry, Mechanization and plant protection, soil nutrition management aspects average 8 – 10 Farmers daily visiting and benefited. Similarly farmers from adjoining district and other states are visiting and seeking advise for various crops